Located off the coast of Stony Creek village (in the city of Branford, CT), the Thimble Islands are an archipelago of 25 small rocky, wooded islands topped with Victorian-era summer cottages (replete with ginger bread trimming). The area is a boating paradise where kayakers, fishing boats, ferry boats, paddle boarders, islanders, & home owners all co-exist to enjoy this picture perfect sanctuary.

photo credit: slack12
Did you know?
The Thimble Islands are named after the thimbleberry bush that grows throughout the island area, and are not a reference to their petite size.


The Thimbleberry
~ seasonal, opens in April ~
2 Indian Point Rd, Branford, CT
Boat Tour / Cruise

Branford, CT
Enjoy a relaxing, personalized experience cruising around the Thimble Islands on a private charter yacht. The duration of the trip depends on your needs and itinerary, and can be as little as two hours, a full day, or even overnight. Boats are fully skippered and you’ll enjoy the views of the 300 islands, get a chance to swim, and explore quiet parts of the archipelago that you couldn’t reach otherwise.

The Islander
4 Indian Point Rd, Branford, CT

Sea Mist - Thimble Islands Cruise
4 Indian Point Rd, Branford, CT
Kayak Rental

Hotels / B&Bs

Thimble Islands Bed & Breakfast
28 West Point Road
Stony Creek ~ Branford, CT

Stanton House Inn
76 Maple Avenue
Greenwich, CT
(203) 869-2110 or (203) 307-0217